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RedXIX_FC2005_053.jpgComments: Sirocco@ (01/23/2005 21:56:03): Hey, I was wondering if anyone knows who this is? I saw her costume at Cabrillo College, but didn't know she actually was into the furry thing, and didn't talk to her enough at FC to actually find out who she was, but it'd be cool to know a local fur who was a talented fursuiter. I'm at azragal@comcast.net or am Sirocco Erasmus on AIM if anyone knows something, or the suiter herself happens to stumble across this. Thanks :3
Shadow@ (01/27/2005 04:23:36): I emailed you. Thanks!
Location: /FurryCon/FurtherConfusion/FC2005/fursuits/other Last modified: Jan. 19, 2005 17:03:15
RedXIX_FC2005_103.jpgComments: Siegfried@ (01/20/2005 19:18:09): England the badger
Location: /FurryCon/FurtherConfusion/FC2005/fursuits/other Last modified: Jan. 19, 2005 17:09:14