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Tuxskunk_FC2004_0610.jpgComments: Tuxskunk@ (02/01/2004 16:54:00): Dang, Some Other flash went off. Thought it was my flash and moved the camera down. Got a nice lopsided Picture of furry feet. Don't ever buy a camera that has 1.2 to 1.5 seconds of delay between the time you press the shutter button and the flash/shutter goes off. It *RUINS* all action shots.
Location: /FurryCon/FurtherConfusion/FC2004/fursuits/other Last modified: Jan. 29, 2004 19:52:12
Tuxskunk_FC2004_1259.jpgComments: speed wolf@ (03/02/2006 16:27:21): just way too cute, just sooooooooo cute
Location: /FurryCon/FurtherConfusion/FC2004/fursuits/other Last modified: Jan. 31, 2004 09:06:36
Tuxskunk_FC2004_1261.jpgComments: speed wolf@ (03/02/2006 16:28:31): why wasn't I there. another dute moment
Location: /FurryCon/FurtherConfusion/FC2004/fursuits/other Last modified: Jan. 31, 2004 09:12:12