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TuxSkunk_FC2003_134.jpgComments: Jaryic@pd9e24c0b.dip.t-dialin.net (02/03/2003 01:52:15): Tiara Fox at the Fursuit-Badge Photoshot
Location: /FurryCon/FurtherConfusion/FC2003/fursuits/Other Last modified: Jan. 30, 2003 19:28:25
TuxSkunk_FC2003_135.jpgComments: Jaryic@pd9e24c0b.dip.t-dialin.net (02/03/2003 01:50:27): Tiara Fox, the german vixen
Location: /FurryCon/FurtherConfusion/FC2003/fursuits/Other Last modified: Jan. 30, 2003 19:31:14
TuxSkunk_FC2003_136.jpgComments: Jaryic@pd9e24c0b.dip.t-dialin.net (02/03/2003 01:49:21): Tiara Fox at the Fursuit-Badge counter
Location: /FurryCon/FurtherConfusion/FC2003/fursuits/Other Last modified: Jan. 30, 2003 19:34:00
TuxSkunk_FC2003_393.jpgComments: Skunkie Mephit@voltaire.ti.telenor.net (02/16/2003 15:58:27): Aaaw, cute! *cuddle* Uhm, why's he got those straws sticking out of his tail? ;)
Location: /FurryCon/FurtherConfusion/FC2003/fursuits/Other Last modified: Jan. 31, 2003 10:13:15
TuxSkunk_FC2003_710.jpgComments: anonymous@1cust190.tnt2.eugene.or.da.uu.net (02/17/2003 23:12:53): Beware of the Skunk Durin Mephit. Now Now, don't annoy the Skunkie
Location: /FurryCon/FurtherConfusion/FC2003/fursuits/Photoshot Last modified: Feb. 1, 2003 05:05:26