Video: #34 Trendane and Chairo getting ready #35 Al Bear and Ranger Fox #36 Cordite (Novice Workmanship) #37 Brigus St. John and Yuffie #38 Kage Trendane #39 Biker Bobkat (Best Performance) #40 Trendane #41 Lone Fox #42 Sheppard Wolfeyes #43 B*tch and Red Fox (Red Fox - Master Workmanship - White Fox made the suit) #44 Chitter (Journeyman Workmanship and Peer Vote) #45 Sym #46 Sylffor #47 Torve the Trog #48 Trendane #49 Ree-al-les Dog of War (Best of Show) #50 Morse #51 Trendane Chairo #52-58 End Fursuits #59 Results