Whoever knows...

thats the entrance...
to the place...
i have tobe here...
but i feel the difference...
but why ? will i find the answer ? i should leave...
but i can't...
i ever can't...
still darkness... be carefull... noone else...
whats shining there ?
amazing... icicles...
which remeber me...
but no!
thats not possible
whats there ? a door...
still locked no way too there comes light... ...someone there ? strange place...
...seems the inner part where... ...to... ...go ? keep on moving...
...looks all deserted let check the
outside first...
there i can take
a good overview...
all still snow... who is there ???
i feel there is someone... ...or something ...it feels familiar here i can't find
the answer
i have to go inside...
still stone and darkness... should i go into ? do poeple there know
whats going on here ?
i have to find the
answer by myself
how old could
this place be ?
who has destroyed it ? only more questions i feel you... ...but where are you ? noone there...
...i know you are here locked again burned walls... ...i wish they could
speak and tell
there is a feeling...
...high above... ...lets see it seems the source... ...its strong... ...very strong...
...i nearly can see it no!
it can not be you!
you are the
STAY AWAY!!! fear...
like in the past
wich shouldn't have
took over me...
...again there is only one
way to go
wich i tried to stay away
it had happend too often i can't leave my destiny i wish i could thinking about... ...the last time
i had swear it... ...sweared it again to leave... ...the way... ...of the sword
it feels... ...good... ...too good its seems to live... ...to got his own mind
give me the strength
to withdraw...
...to get the balance... ...to get the control because it MUST! i hear your whisper...
...this time
must be the last time!
come out
and show your FACE!!!
only shadows every time the same why do you...
...play this... ...game with me ? whereever... ...you hide... ...i will find you
I DONT WANT IT!!! y..o..u... but i swear
how long should this go ? i see you
plaing cat and mice gain ? raaaAAAHHH! i am loosing control that is what he wants that i am loosing myself
have to find him everywhere his whisper everywhere his smell come and get your
finale hit!
you can't hide anymore...
...not this time... ...still the darkness
will not help you...
...this time you are loosing
your shape...
...you start leaving
this feels more like
it looks like
this feels strengthsfull could this be
his hideout ?
it must... ...be...
...an end yeah... it is there must be your
very true being
i got you here i come...
...to find my destiny *silence* *only snow* *panting* he tricked me again
i was so shure.... ...gods! WILL THIS
AT ME!!!
sometimes he will win
and i will loose myself
he is gone no more traces
and whisper
at other time and place

Big Thanks and Hugs to Teenwolf, for making the fotos and doing support :)

CatCoon (Kchierath) Character designed, build and performed by Gregor Hassler (Furvan)
Pictures, Story and CatCoon (Kchierath) Character Copyright by Gregor Hassler
Email: furvan@tigress.com